Upcoming Events

Upcoming workshops, trainings and events

Strengthen your facilitation skills. Designing Sessions for Collective Power is a two-day online workshop lasting three hours per day. We are offering it twice to accommodate a diversity of time zones: During this workshop, you will get a grounding in designing participatory and interactive sessions that support learning, knowledge sharing, […]

Designing Sessions That Harness Collective Power

Strengthen your abilities and facilitation practice to support the power of those you’ve convened. We are offering this Lab twice during the week of July 29th to accommodate a diversity of time zones During this two-day, three-hour-a-day online lab, we will explore the different power domains in which change-makers operate […]

The Facilitating Collective Power Lab

During this workshop, you will get a grounding in designing participatory and interactive sessions that support learning, knowledge sharing, and empowerment. On the first day, we will dive into adult learning and explore a participant-centric session format called ADIDS (Activity, Discussion, Input, Deepening, and Synthesis). For the second day, you […]

The Session Design Lab

FabRiders and Aspiration co-organize an ongoing series of Capacity Builder Convergences. These community meetings are envisioned as a collaborative and supportive environment to connect the broad range of practitioners who enable other organizations and individuals to strengthen their strategies, principles, practices and sustainability. We aim to explore and promote open […]

Capacity Builders Convergence

With the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk and the slow erosion of trust that users are experiencing with Meta platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), corporate social media is in decline. Not to mention the already existing social media graveyard that includes Friendster and Myspace. Our ultimate goal is to convene […]

Corporate Social Media is in Decay

FabRiders’ Network-Centric Resources project helps resource developers understand how to develop people-powered and participatory resources and establish assets for networks and communities that share ownership, enable contribution and support collaboration. What’s critical to grow a community around a resource is to understand the barriers to broader participation. To help exemplify […]

Redesigning for the Responsible Data Community, Online Discussion Notes